Tuesday, November 26, 2019
A right to good healthcare Essays
A right to good healthcare Essays A right to good healthcare Essay A right to good healthcare Essay Introduction to Ethics and Social Responsibility This is the United States of America, land of the free. Good health care is a right, not a privilege. Healthcare (including public health) is special because it protects normal functioning, which in turn protects the range of opportunities open to individuals (Daniels N. 2001 pig. 2). Currently President Obama has been trying to change the way health care is approached in the United States. He is facing quite a bit of opposition in his ideas that the government should provide health care for all Americans. No matter what your stance is on President Beams healthcare plan, we all realize that it is better to have health insurance than not. With prescription-drug costs being so out of control, many people have to choose between food and their prescriptions. Which is Just not right, the fact is that health care is out of control. If healthcare was made more affordable it would actually end up costing taxpayers less in the long run because the expense of having to pay for uninsured patients medical expenses is so high. The cost of going to a doctor is so high that many dont even other until it is often too late. Having experience a major health issue myself at the last minute, because I am not offered any type of healthcare insurance through my job. Many Americans Just cannot afford the cost of health insurance. In this paper I will address several issues on why healthcare is so important to Americans; such as the types of preventative care needed. Ways to prevent diseases, screenings and causes. The reasons many Americans Just do not have any type of healthcare coverage. Preventative Care The emphasis on preventative healthcare is all for good reasons. By maintaining f opportunities (or plans of life) reasonable people would choose in a given society (Daniel, N. 2001, pig. 2). Many people without access to healthcare only go to the Doctors after they have been ill or injured. We all know that regular exercise, a good nutritious diet, not smoking, and drinking to excess is the best course to minimize health problems and reduce the amount of money spent on health care. Along with life style selections we make the environment in which we live and work are critical to good preventative health practices. Prenatal Care is a preventative care practice. Women in developing countries are bleeding to death after giving birth, writhing in the convulsions of clamps, and collapsing from days of futile contractions, knowing that they have suffocated their babies to death (Maine, D Yamin,A, 1999, pig. 562). Getting good prenatal care is very important for the expectant mother and the unborn child. Many pregnant women in Georgia receive free prenatal care for their unborn child. This is great for the many women like myself that do not have healthcare insurance, and do not make enough money to actually pay out of pocket to have a baby. There are so many doctors appointments, screenings, and tests that need to be taken as a precaution before a mother gives birth. Moreover, according to the World Bank, although men and women between the ages of fifteen and forty-four lose approximately the same number of years of healthy life due to disease, there is no single cause of death and disability for men that comes close to the magnitude of maternal death and disability (Maine, D Hyman, A. 1999, pig. 564). Many women choose not to participate in having prenatal care, either from being in such denial, embarrassment, and even religious beliefs. This could be very dangerous to both mother and baby, many tests and screenings could have shown if the pregnancy needed to be aborted or if there is a complication such as the umbilical cord wrapped around the babys neck, or th e baby may be breached (the baby head is not down for delivery). Also tests can detect birth defects which are physical abnormalities that may be caused by inherited genes, genetic mutations, or environmental factors. Technology is so advanced now many expectant mothers are offered D and D visual of their precious baby. Even learning the sex of the unborn baby can be very exciting for new parents, but all which is very expensive to those that do not have medical coverage in place. Well care check-ups are so important staring with infants. Most infants have their first well-baby exam within the first few days to weeks after birth. Even when things are going well, frequent checkups during the first year are an important way to monitor the babys growth and development. Many parents have their children vaccinated according to their age. These vaccines are to help prevent many childhood diseases, not saying that the child still may not get sick, but it is a great prevention plan all parents should participate in. As parents it is very important that, they make sure their children stay on the vaccinated scheduled for their age. Many children must have all their immunization done before they can enter kindergarten. Other screenings are ear, eye, and dental checks. Many low-income or single parent homes, their children may be eligible for the Medicaid Program. This helps assists many single mothers with keeping up with their children well-care check-ups, vision and dental screenings. Well care check-ups go on into adult hood, many people that employers that do not offer any healthcare tend to slack up on doctor visits. But regular check-ups are still very important, certain age screenings are still needed. Early diagnosis for many diseases can be detected. Being without healthcare insurance, I was put into a life-threatening health scare in 2009, and it could have been prevented if I had been receiving regular check-ups, but like millions of Americans around the world, the cost are Just beyond high. Also, many Americans feel as though they are treated differently if they do not have any type of health coverage. Without co-pay at the time, one may be sent home without the proper screenings or sets run, and this is and can be very scary, and could be life-threatening. Long-term illnesses sometimes may not be able to be prevented, but detecting them early can save a person life. Cancers, Diabetes, HIVE/AIDS are a few long term diseases, even though some are not preventable, but when detected early your chances of either recovering or living comfortable with it may be easier. Many people feel like do not ask do not tell, or if it is not broke then do not fix it. These feelings can sometimes cause many people to be severely sick and suffer, or cause an unexpected death. This all could have been prevented with regular check-ups. Education is also an important factor; many people Just do not have the knowledge on the type of signs and symptoms on many illnesses. This is why having regular check-ups are so important. Disease Prevention Disease Prevention is a very important role in healthcare. Prevention comes with check-ups, screenings, and knowledge. There are so many diseases that cannot be prevented, but can be treated with antibiotics and other medicines. Several of those diseases are: Arthritis, Alchemists, and Cancers cannot be prevented, but they can be treated. There are two common types of Arthritis which are Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid. There are commercials that have different types of medicines to help with the pain of Arthritis. Many people have seen the Celebrate commercial. Alchemists is a type of dementia that causes problems with memory, thinking and behavior. The most common symptom is difficulty remembering, and usually develops slowly and get worse over time, becoming severe enough to interfere with daily tasks. As Alchemists advance it leads to severe symptoms, including disorientation, mood and behavior changes. Alchemists has no current cure, but reattempts for symptoms are available and research continues. Cancer is characterized by an abnormal growth of cells. There are more than 100 types of cancer, including breast cancer, skin cancer, lung cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer, and lymphoma. Cancer symptoms vary widely based on the type of cancer. Cancer currently has no cure, but treatment options include: includes chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery. With early and proper treatment these diseases can make living with them a lot easier. Later detection can result in emergency surgeries, long term pain, and even death. Diseases that can be prevented are Sexual Transmitted Diseases (Studs) and HIVE/AIDS. Studs are infectious diseases that spread from person to person through sexual contact. Studs can affect anyone who is having sex. Studs are common among teens, since they are at a higher risk, its important to learn what you can do to protect yourself, things simple as abstinence, and condoms. If untreated, some Studs can cause serious health AIDS). Early detection can cure some Studs, with medication such as antibiotics. As stated in (Bible, G. 2007, pig. 1086), amidst denial, stigma, and inaction, AIDS became he first major epidemic of present-day globalization. Of more than 40 million people estimated to be HIVE-infected worldwide, 95 percent live in middle- or low-income countries, causing life expectancy to drop dramatically in those countries worst hit (Bible, G. 2007, pig. 1086). In late 2003, with only about 400,000 people receiving treatment, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Joint United Nations Program on HIVE/AIDS (UNAIDED) announced their goal of having 3 million HIVE-positive people on antimicrobial therapy by 2005 (Bible, G. 2007 pig. 1086). Early detection of HIVE/AIDS can allow someone to live comfortable with the disease while on their medication. Reasons many do not have Coverage Statistics show that people without health insurance do not get their health checked regularly and therefore are at a greater risk of having something that may have been prevented happen later on. Given the cost of even basic insurance, many people of modest means who do not qualify for Medicaid cannot reasonably afford insurance without subsidy (Mizzen, P. 2011, pig. 86). The high expense of going to a doctor visit is why most people without insurance do not go to the doctor and this is something hat should be changed as well. Costs of medical insurance as well as the cost of having health insurance all need to be made more affordable for Americans so they will take better care of themselves. Having health insurance is important because coverage helps people get timely medical care and improves their lives and health (Levy, H , M. 2004, pig. 110). Its sometimes about $500 or more to see a doctor, and then add lab tests, x-rays, etc. Many will see their family doctor if it is not a true emergency. There is a reason why they are called Emergency Rooms there are walk- n clinics everywhere. At your family Doctor get the same treatment at half the price. You also are not taking up space when someones life may be at stake, and truly need the emergency room. There are new triage system evaluates your symptoms and can even refuse to admit you to the ERE, referring you to your family doctor, where you should probably go in the first place. Many people will go to the ERE because they think they cant be refused, and think they can be seen at no cost to them. Verses going to their own doctor, they may have to pay a co-pay or office visit, and even have o take a prescription to their local pharmacy and have to buy their own meds. Since 1989, the federal Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (METAL) have prohibited hospitals from refusing acute care to those who cannot afford to pay (Mizzen, P. 2011, pig. 83). Realistically, when hospitals live up to this requirement, it is difficult for them to confine the care they provide to the emergency room (Mizzen, P. 2011, pig. 83). Patients who are not kept on for further acute care outside the emergency room will likely Just show up again, incurring more emergency room care for which they are not insured. Self-employed individuals have limited choices when it comes to health insurance coverage. Many go without going to have regular check- ups and preventative care screenings. They can buy an individual plan, start a group policy or forgo coverage altogether. However, even having coverage wont guarantee financial security in the event of medical catastrophe. A business group insurance policy costs members less because the financial risk for the insurance company is better coverage, there are many ways for self-employed people to Join a group. Most people obtain health coverage through a health plan offered by their employer. However, many people have become unemployed either to termination, Job closures, and even being laid off. Currently state and federal law allows people who have recently become unemployed to continue their previous health coverage for some time. If one loses their group coverage for employment-related reasons, some may be able to continue your coverage for a limited time. Employees who stay at a Job, but lose coverage eligibility because of a reduction in the number of hours they work, are also usually able to elect to continue their coverage. The employer is no longer squired to contribute any amount toward premium costs, so you must pay the full price of coverage yourself. However, continuing a work-sponsored plan may still be more affordable than purchasing coverage individually Conclusion The central moral importance, for purposes of Justice, of preventing and treating disease and disability with effective healthcare services (construed broadly to include public health and environmental measures, as well as personal medical services) derives from the way in which protecting normal functioning contributes to protecting opportunity (Daniels, N. 2001, pig. 2).
Friday, November 22, 2019
Cultural Appropriation in Music - Race Relations
Cultural Appropriation in Music - Race Relations Cultural appropriation is nothing new. For years prominent whites have been accused of borrowing the fashions, music, and art forms of various cultural groups and popularizing them as their own. The music industry has been particularly hard hit by this practice. The 1991 film â€Å"The Five Heartbeats,†for example, which was based on the experiences of real African-American bands, depicts how music executives took the works of black musicians and repackaged them as the product of white artists. Due to cultural appropriation, Elvis Presley is widely regarded as being the â€Å"King of Rock and Roll,†despite the fact that his music was heavily influenced by black artists who never received credit for their contributions to the art form. In the early 1990s, white rapper Vanilla Ice topped the Billboard music charts when rappers as a whole remained on the fringes of popular culture. This piece explores how musicians with wide appeal today, such as Madonna, Gwen Stefani, M iley Cyrus, and Kreayshawn have been accused of cultural appropriation, borrowing heavily from black, Native American, and Asian traditions. Madonna The Italian-American superstar has been accused of borrowing from a host of cultures to sell her music, including gay culture, black culture, Indian culture, and Latin American cultures. Madonna may be the biggest culture vulture yet. In â€Å"Madonna: A Critical Analysis,†author JBNYC points out how the pop star wore Indian saris, bindis, and clothing during a 1998 photo shoot for Rolling Stone magazine and the following year participated in a geisha-inspired photo spread for Harper’s Bazaar magazine. Prior to this, Madonna borrowed from Latin American culture for her 1986 video â€Å"La Isla Bonita†and from gay, black, and Latino culture for her 1990 video â€Å"Vogue.†â€Å"Although one can argue that by taking on the personas of otherwise underrepresented cultures and giving them exposure to the masses, she is doing to world cultures like India, Japan, and Latin America, what she has done for feminism and gay culture,†JBNYC writes. â€Å"However, she made political statements about feminism, female sexuality, and homosexuality about their ideological representations in the media. In the case of her Indian, Japanese, and Latino looks, she has made no political or cultural statements. Her use of these cultural artifacts is superficial and the consequence is great. She has further perpetuated the narrow and stereotypical representations of minorities in the media.†Gwen Stefani Singer Gwen Stefani faced criticism in 2005 and 2006 for appearing with a silent group of Asian-American women who accompanied her to promotional appearances and other events. Stefani called the women â€Å"Harajuku Girls†after the women she encountered in the Harajuku district of Tokyo. During an interview with Entertainment Weekly, Stefani called the â€Å"Harajuku Girls†an art project and said, â€Å"The truth is that I basically was saying how great that culture is.†Actress and comedienne Margaret Cho felt differently, calling the foursome a â€Å"minstrel show.†Salon writer Mihi Ahn agreed, criticizing Gwen Stefani for her cultural appropriation of Harajuku culture. Ahn wrote in 2005: â€Å"Stefani fawns over Harajuku style in her lyrics, but her appropriation of this subculture makes about as much sense as the Gap selling Anarchy T-shirts; she’s swallowed a subversive youth culture in Japan and barfed up another image of submissive giggling Asian women. While aping a style that’s supposed to be about individuality and personal expression, Stefani ends up being the only one who stands out.†In 2012, Stefani and her band No Doubt would face a backlash for their stereotypical cowboys and Indians video for their single â€Å"Looking Hot.†In the late 1990s, Stefani also routinely sported a bindi, a symbol Indian women wear, in her appearances with No Doubt. Kreayshawn When rapper Kreayshawn’s single â€Å"Gucci, Gucci†begin to earn buzz in 2011, a number of critics accused her of cultural appropriation. They argued Kreayshawn and her crew, known as the â€Å"White Girl Mob,†were acting out black stereotypes. Bene Viera, a writer for Clutch magazine, wrote off Kreayshawn as a rapper in 2011, in part, because of doubts about whether a Berkley Film School dropout could find her niche in hip-hop. In addition, Viera argued that Kreayshawn has mediocre skills as an MC. â€Å"It’s ironic how the white girl mimicking black culture has been viewed as quirky, cute, and interesting in the past,†Viera noted. â€Å"But sisters who fashionably rock bamboo earrings, gold nameplate necklaces, and blonde streaked weaves, will inevitably be considered ‘ghetto’ by society. It’s equally problematic that every female emcee post Queen Latifah and MC Lyte who has had massive mainstream success all had to sell sex. Kreayshawn, on the other hand, is able to avoid an over-sexualized image because of her whiteness.†Miley Cyrus Former child star Miley Cyrus is best known for her starring role in the Disney Channel program â€Å"Hannah Montana,†which also featured her country music star father Billy Ray Cyrus. As a young adult, the younger Cyrus has taken pains to shed her â€Å"child star†image. In June 2013, Miley Cyrus released a new single, â€Å"We Can’t Stop.†During that time Cyrus earned press about the song’s allusions to drug use and made headlines after debuting a markedly â€Å"urban†appearance and performing with rapper Juicy J on stage in Los Angeles. The public was shocked to see Miley Cyrus sport a grill with gold teeth and twerk (or booty pop) at the House of Blues with Juicy J. But Cyrus’ image overhaul was a decidedly concerted move, with her music producers commenting that she wanted her new songs to â€Å"feel black.†Before long, Cyrus faced a wave of criticism from African Americans concerned that she was using black culture to advance her career, which many before her had done. Dodai Stewart of Jezebel.com asserts of Cyrus: â€Å"Miley seems to delight in †¦twerking, popping the $$, bending at the waist and shaking her rump in the air. Fun. But basically, she, as a rich white woman, is ‘playing’ at being a minority specifically from a lower socio-economic level. Along with the gold grill and some hand gestures, Miley straight-up appropriates the accoutrements associated with certain black people on the fringes of society.â€
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Project Annotated Bibliography Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Project - Annotated Bibliography Example In line with the existing situation, the author wants a change of approach including the evaluation of the different psychological conditions to ascertain the extent of usage. The argument by the author is based on the research findings that are indicated in the article. In conclusion, the author addresses vital issues existing in the treatment of psychological diseases which are also important for both patients and doctor. In fact, little or no research has been conducted to develop the standards of severity of the disease. Therefore, there is not a conclusive finding or a premise to which the disease can be compared or used to treat the disease. The article covers the issues that have attributed to the finding illustrated and offer suggestions to support of treating the disease. The article by Pao and Bosk address anxiety with respect to sick children and adolescents. The article focuses on the impact of anxiety disorder on ill children. The focus of the article is on anxiety which is a common reaction but targets medically ill children as the scope of the research. The impact of sickness and its contribution to Anxiety disorder is the subject of the article. The authors state that chronic medical illness is a risk factor for the development of anxiety disorders. It may occur as a secondary event resulting from secondary biological mechanisms which may be related to the child’s medical illness. In fact, other issues may affect the medically ill child and contribute to the development of anxiety disorders. These issues include parental anxiety resulting from the child’s situation. In conclusion, the article addresses important issues in handling medically ill children with respect to anxiety disorders. Sauter, F. M., Heyne, D., & Westenberg, M. (2009). Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Anxious Adolescents:Developmental Influences on Treatment Design and Delivery. Clinical child & family Psychology Review, 310-335. The article by Floor M. Sauter, David
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Balance sheet Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Balance sheet - Essay Example Balance sheets are generally prepared by a company at the end of its financial year. The balance sheets are presented in either horizontal or in vertical form. All the items present in the balance sheet of a company are discussed in details in this study. The dual aspect of balance sheet and the application of balance sheet have also been mentioned in this study. The users of balance sheets include the company managers to help them in analysing the financial conditions of the company, the investors and shareholders to help them in their decision making process regarding investment in the organisation and all other stakeholders of the company. With the increasing trend of globalisation most of the companies are trying to explore business opportunities in different parts of the world. As a result of this they need to comply with the regulatory requirements of different nations of the world. However with the advent of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and International Accounting Standards (IAS), the accounting practices followed in different nations are converging to make the financial statements including balance sheets more comparable in nature. A comparison between the balance sheet formats followed by companies in US and UK has been discussed in this study. 2. Balance Sheet Items All the items of a balance sheet fall under two broad headings, namely â€Å"Assets†and â€Å"Liabilities†. The items falling under the categories of assets and liabilities have been discussed below: 2.1 Assets Assets which are possessed by a business concern are categorised into two types, namely, current assets and fixed assets. Fixed assets are considered to be the long term assets of the company and current assets are considered to be the short term assets of the company. All these assets of the company are valued and represented in the balance sheet of the company at its book value or historical costs of those assets that is the costs of the asset s when it was first bought by the company. This is known as the historic cost convention (Horner, 2012, p. 42). However, as an exception to this convention or rule, some of the assets like the buildings possessed by the company are re-valued at its market price and then represented in its balance sheet. Sometimes, assets like goodwill generated internally by the company, including the values o different kinds of brands acquired by the company over a period of time are not included in its balance sheet. It is so because of the difficulty in accurately measuring the value of these kinds of assets. Let us now discuss in details about the assets of a company. 2.1.1 Fixed Assets Long term assets or fixed assets possessed by a company are sometimes referred to as non-current assets of the company. Fixed assets generally comprises of those assets of the company which are utilized by it for conducting its various business activities and are there with the company for a long period of time. They are not meant for resale by the organisation. The fixed assets of the company help it to generate sales or revenues through its business processes over a long period of time. Generally the fixed assets are required to be depreciated along its lifetime (Stittle, & Wearing, 2008, p. 60). Fixed assets of an organisation can further be grouped together into three different categories. They are: a) Tangible
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Central venous catheter Essay Example for Free
Central venous catheter Essay Healthcare institutes today are facing a major problem with centrally-line- associated bloodstream infections (CLABSIs). CLABSIs occur commonly and are the most potentially preventable source if morbidity. This research was conducted to see how central line bundles could be use to eliminate CLABSIs. According to the Sutter Roseville medical center (SRMC), they have seven years of zero CLABSIs, by using a broader approach of the central line buddle rather then the conventional buddle required by the CDC (Harnage, 2012). The SRMC’s, central line buddle is ease to use and failure proof as shown in figure 1 of the article (Harnage). This article explained how various component of the central line buddle were modified to achieve zero infection of CLABSIs by the SRMC. The most important point of this approach was elimination of infection through central lines. The success of this approach was base on the protocol implemented on dressing change, catheter flushing and daily checking of all central lines. Dressing changes were done only when the site was messes but with the protocol is done every 7 days and as needed, also the catheter lines were been flushed with normal saline then with heparin using a positive pressure flush, but now flushing is done every 8 hours when not in use or before and after medication administration with 10ml of normal saline using a push and pause technique. Remember these lines can not be use if there is no blood return and the potency checked. For this protocol to be effective, education and training was mandated for the register nurses, that is a one -on -one bedside training. The register nurses are the once using this line on a daily bases so training them on the use of this line were a major past in the infection control process. An aspect in the dressing change kit in was also nurse friendly in that all the supplies needed for the dressing change were place in a single package. By putting everything together it helped the nurse to easily access everything they need, because due to the many tasks the nurse needs to do, they may be tempted to bypass or skip entirely preventive practices that are too time consuming. The nurses also had to document on a daily base on the patient flow sheet how the site and dressing on the line look, thus making the nurses take responsibility and accountabit of the site. The main problem with this approach was that it wasn’t cost effective. But according on research, CLABSIs cost from $21300 and $35000 to treat, thus avoiding infections can save most healthcare institute hundreds of thousands of pounds annually (Harnage). I will like everyone who reads this article to implement it because is a patient first culture approach and we as healthcare provide are there to provide care to patient and do no harm. With that say, my clinical group for NURS 210 at Grace Fairview have since this practice and protocol and have also participated in it implementation. So from experience I will follow the approach and encourage my register nurses colleague to do same because the benefits out weight the disadvantages. REFERENCE . Harnage, S. (2012) Seven years of zero central – line – associate bloodstream infections. British Journal of Nursing, 2012 (IVTHERAPY SUPPLEMENT),Vol 21, No 21
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Boethius :: essays research papers
â€Å"Evil is Nothing†Her argument of Evil is Nothing is very simple. She begins by speaking with Boethius and getting at the definition of what is good and how that is related to God. She starts out by stating that they agree on the fact of God. Then they come to the agreement that God is the good itself. They then state that there is nothing that can go against God and still have power because God is all-powerful and all good. Lady Philosophy then says, â€Å"No one could doubt that God is omnipotent,†and Boethius responds by saying no one in their right mind could deny it. And she says that God can also do evil, which Boethius immediately states â€Å"No.†After that remark she goes on to make her argument by stating that evil must be nothing because God can do anything but God can not do evil so therefore there is no such thing as evil. In this discussion, Lady Philosophy states that because God can do anything and that God cannot do evil then evil is noth ing. Her statement is sound if you believe the statements that they both agreed on. First they said yes there is a God and yes God is good. They then agree on their good God being omnipotent, meaning that their God can do anything. Lady Philosophy then brings up her big argument. She says that God can do anything in the world that he wants to, anything at all, and that he is good. But she also says that God can do evil. This is usually a perspective that humans in general do not look at. We see God as being the good of the world and something to look up to. Her idea of God doing evil is rejected by Boetheius. This meaning that if he believes in evil then he cannot believe in a God that is all-powerful and cannot do good. Therefore Boethius contradicts himself, and Lady Philosophy is found to be correct. However, I agree with this idea and that her statement is sound. However, unlike Boethius I don’t believe that God cannot do evil. If God is all powerful then of course he can do evil, rather he chooses not to, and because of this God is represented as only allowed to do good. But how can anything that is as powerful as that not be able to do something horrible.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Organizational psychology Simulation Response Essay
Leadership and management has been two confusing practices for many people tend to confuse leadership and management. Leadership has many definitions that may leave one completely confused having no appropriate meaning. Leaders and managers seem to have close responsibilities in the welfare of the organization. Leadership in general is defined as influencing, motivating, organizing and providing support to the employees or workers. Management on the other hand is mastering the working behavior and progress of the employees. Therefore, the leaders are more concerned with the welfare of the employee while managers mostly concerned with the welfare of the organization. There is difference in response by the workers to the leaders and managers, this can be distinguished by taking a close look on how they understand between the two terms and responses they give to each. Simulation response Interestingly, most employees tend to prefer working with leaders than managers. Good leaders are never dictators, they guide the employees through their work to achieve the desired goals. Leadership is very crucial in the welfare of the employees in the organization, good leaders are responsible for the employees’ achievement and their working conditions. According to (Yukl, 1992), employees are the one that determines who real leaders and who managers are depending on how they respond to the two issues. Employees tend to respond to leaders in a different way from how they respond to the managers. Due to difference in the working behaviors, managers are feared for they do anything no matter the impact it may bring to the employee just to protect the interests of the organization while the leaders will try to balance both issues and interests. A leader seems to be more skillful than the manager because he must possess interpersonal skills of persuading and influencing employees to perform a task, they are more concerned with the process the duty is performed unlike the managers who are more concerned with the outcome. Leaders provide the strategic direction and vision to the employees and to entire organization and making sure that every task is completed in time and in the right order, they are responsible for organization goals and future destinations, they are responsible of motivating and coaching the employees to achieve the expected goal for them. Different leaders posses different traits depending on their effectiveness, though the research have not yet defined on how effective a leader could be. Leadership is more of behavior while management is mostly on commands, therefore the leaders behavior are more complex and hard to understand for no one knows or predicts what a leader is up for while every knows what the manager is expecting of him. Leaders are able to influence the implementation of certain behaviors without affecting the working routine of employees while the managers will force it in which might affect the employees and their working conditions. Decision According to the above discussion, it’s clear that leaders can perform both duties they perform and those performed by managers. It would of great benefit to any organization if leaders are given more priority than managers for they have more skills than managers. They are among the most important asset the organization can have for they care about the company and employees. Leaders deliver more benefits to the company through administering the working process of the employee, they are attentive through out and have that personal skills to motivate workers therefore delivering the best to the company. Leaders don’t struggle in seeking the process of achieving the organization goals for they are able to implement a road map to the goals without dictating to the employees, they are part of the reliable personnel that holds the company’s corners, so, if the managers work is just to sit in the office giving directions, the leader is out with other workers guiding them to achieve the goal in the easier way. Conclusion Leaders are able to understand the dynamics of influence and power to their employees, through the strategies the leaders use they determine the roadmap the organization is going to follow to achieve the desired goal. Persuasive power possessed by the leaders makes the most useful human asset to the organization; good leadership is determined by the achievements one achieves. Most managers are known to dictate the working map to achieve what they desire as the leaders will try to understand what the employees will do right to achieve the organization goals. Therefore it quite hard to understand the strategies a leader may use to influence the employees, there is no defined map the leaders use while every employee knows the interest of a manager is always result oriented.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Napoleon Dynamite: High School Movie Painted on a Canvas Essay
Ahh yes, here we are again another high school movie filled with lots of loud hip music, partying, nudity, drugs, awkward social interaction, and teens rebelling against all authority and normalcy. That’s what these movies are about; right? Wrong. Napoleon Dynamite falls short of all stereotypical preconceived notions I had going into this movie. No everyday character trying to fit in, no parties, no sporting events that need to be won, and no drugs or drinking. The picture is actually very refreshing, the fact that it doesn’t have any of these rapidly changing scenes or dialogue filled with horny teens discussing their experiences and sexual destinies with each other. The introduction sets a long, slow pace for the movie, and really sets the artsy, low budget tone. Opening credits start with names written on items such as, school food, rulers, pencils, notebooks, and so on. The settings are dull, the music is strange and mellow, the wardrobe looks like it is from an early 90s thrift store, and it is set in a small town in Idaho which explains the movie so well. The main character is in fact Napoleon Dynamite, a nerd without much to brag about. He dawns coke bottle glasses, parachute pants, t-shirts with horses and dolphins on them, a fanny pack, and moon boots. He is everything a nerd would be from this era, but without the typical genius that normally comes with being a nerd. He isn’t a computer whiz and doesn’t engage in science or math club. In fact, he is actually part of the FFA which makes sense because he does help raise a llama at his grandma’s house, and also works for a day at a chicken coop. Don’t let any of this fool you, these are mere mentions for there is no part of Napoleon’s life that really dominates the movie. The movie consists of Napoleon, his brother Kipp, Pedro, and his Uncle Rico getting into lame situations and activities in a lame town. I mean as far as the major events consistent with teen movies, there is a dance and there is a school president election which becomes the main focus of the movie about ? of the way through the flick. Napoleon and Pedro run a campaign which amounts to maybe 4 scenes in the movie. They also have to ask out girls to the dance which maybe takes up 2 or 3 scenes, so it’s not centered on teen competition or romance. It really isn’t center around much, except the small adventures of the above mentioned characters. A worthy mention about this movie is that it is dry not just the humor but every aspect. It is dryer than a saltine cracker on a napkin, on a paper plate, in the middle of the Sahara desert. I mean dry. Every character involved is, not just Napoleon. The music, the scenery, the plot, the scenes, the interaction, and activities all fit together beautifully in this movie masterpiece. I can say this is definitely a work of art, this film is not a slap stick comedy by any means, but I found myself very pleased with the amount of laughter it brought into my life. There is no doubt this film will be a cult classic for years to come. This is a quote worthy movie, for the little dialogue that it does have. How or when to use those quotes in your daily life is probably a task however, mainly it would be while discussing Napoleon with another viewer. Short mention also, the camera work is simple and fabulous; they nailed the mood of the movie with the camera So what does happen in this movie you may be asking yourself? I have not really painted much of a selling review up to this point. It is a must see! If you have that eye for art, if you enjoy independent films, if you don’t mind an amateur cast, and you â€Å"get†dry humor than you need this movie in your life. I don’t want to spoil all of it for those who haven’t been graced with this movie. Napoleon calls his brother Kipp at home because he needs Chap Stick to cure his dry lips. Pedro has a sweet bicycle called the Sledgehammer and it is customized with pegs, shocks, and a Mexican flag on the back of the seat. Napoleon takes Kipp to a free trial at Rex-Kwan Do, a questionable martial arts instructor they saw on television; everyone knows that Kipp is training to be a cage fighter. Uncle Rico films himself throwing a football†¦ to nobody†¦ in a field†¦ alone†¦ with a van. Pedro shaves his head because his hair is making him hot. If that isn’t enough to make you want to watch this film than I’m not sure you would enjoy it. Mainstream movie goers would probably be better off with the likes of American Pie or Super Bad. Also a mention in closing, there is no crude humor, no nudity, nor foul language, so this movie is appropriate for all ages.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Why Homeschooling Is on the Rise
Why Homeschooling Is on the Rise Homeschooling is an educational choice surrounded by many myths and misconceptions. Even though this method continues to provide high national test scores and well-rounded, diversely educated children, many people still do not see the virtue of the choice. They often have preconceived notions about what goes on in homeschooling. History and Background of Homeschooling Homeschooling is defined as instruction in an educational program outside of established schools. Homeschooling dates back to the 1960s with a counter-culture movement that soon fizzled out. The movement was rekindled in the 1970s after the Supreme Court upheld the decision that removing school prayer was not unconstitutional. This decision sparked the Christian movement to homeschool although, at the time, it was illegal in 45 states. Laws slowly changed, and by 1993 homeschooling was recognized as a parent’s right in all 50 states. (Neal, 2006) As people continue to see the benefits, the numbers continue to grow. In 2007, the U.S. Department of Education reported that the number of homeschooling students had climbed from 850,000 in 1999 to 1.1 million in 2003. (Fagan, 2007) Reasons People Homeschool As a homeschooling mother of two I am frequently asked why I homeschool. I believe that Mariette Ulrich (2008) best summed up the reasons why people homeschool when she said: I prefer to make those [educational] choices myself. Not because I think I know ‘better’ than all those professional educators, but I do think I know my own children best, and consequently which programs and methods would benefit them. Homeschooling is not about rejecting other people and things; it’s about making personal and positive choices for your own family. (1) While statistics do not show that violence is on the rise, it is hard to ignore stories in the news relating violent school events on a regular basis. Because of these perceptions of school violence, it isn’t difficult to understand why some parents want to educate their children at home. However, this is sometimes viewed as an attempt to shelter their children. Homeschoolers understand that sheltering their children would not do any good. They will still be exposed to the violence in the world through other mediums. Nevertheless, homeschooling does help to keep them safe by keeping them away from the current trend of school violence. While school violence is now a leading factor in many parents’ decisions there are many different reasons for choosing to homeschool. The statistics state that: 31.2 percent of home-schooling parents say that â€Å"concern about the environment of other schools†was their primary reason for home instruction16.5 percent stated â€Å"dissatisfaction with the academic instruction in other schools†29.8 percent said â€Å"to provide religious or moral instruction†6.5 percent was â€Å"because the child has a physical or mental health problem†7.2 percent said â€Å"because the child has other special needs†8.8 percent gave â€Å"other reasons†(Fagan, 2007). For my family it was a combination of the first three reasons- academic dissatisfaction being top- along with specific incidents that led us to decide to homeschool. How Homeschooled Students Perform Academically People might have their own preconceived ideas about who exactly homeschools. Homeschoolers initially consisted of white, middle-class, and/or religious fundamentalist families, but is no longer limited to this group. (Greene Greene, 2007) In fact, the number of African American homeschoolers has steadily grown in recent years. (Black, 2006,) You can understand why when looking at national statistics. A significant discovery in the study Strengths of Their Own: Home Schoolers Across America stated that there was no difference in homeschooling scores based on the student’s race, and that scores for both minority and white students in grades k-12 averaged in the 87th percentile. (Klicka, 2006) This statistic is in sharp contrast to the public school systems where 8th grade white students score in th e 57th percentile on average, while blacks and Hispanic students score in the 28th percentile in reading alone. (Klicka, 2006) Statistics do not speak favorably only about minorities but all students who homeschool, regardless of their demographics. The study â€Å"Strengths of Their Own: Home Schoolers Across America†completed in 1997, included 5,402 students that homeschool. The study verified that on average, homeschoolers were performing higher than their public school equivalent â€Å"by 30 to 37 percentile points in all subjects.†(Klicka, 2006) This seems to be the case in all studies performed on homeschoolers; however, due to the lack of standard test practices in each state and no unbiased collection of these scores, it is hard to determine the exact average score for homeschooling families. In addition to flourishing standardized test scores, many homeschool students also have the benefit of fulfilling graduation requirements and going to college earlier. This is attributed to flexible nature of homeschooling. (Neal, 2006) Studies have also been made to compare homeschool and public school settings in cases of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorders. The studies showed that homeschooling parents provided educational settings yielding more â€Å"academic engaged time (AET)†in comparison to the public school settings, making homeschooling more beneficial for the child’s development and learning. (Duvall, 2004) Due to this increase in academic performance it is no wonder that colleges are attempting to recruit more homeschoolers because of their high test scores coupled with their self-discipline for completing work. In an article sent around to college personnel about the benefits of making special efforts to recruit homeschoolers Greene and Green say, â€Å"We believe that the homeschool population represents fertile ground for college enrollment efforts, consisting as it does of many bright students with a wide array of educational, personal, and family experiences.† Homeschool Teacher Qualifications Beyond the statistics, when someone talks about homeschooling, usually two points come up. The first is whether the parent is qualified to teach their child, and the second and possibly biggest question asked of homeschoolers everywhere is about socialization. Qualification is a big concern because opponents of homeschooling believe that parents do not have the ability to teach children like a certified teacher does. I do agree that teachers have accreditation beyond what typical homeschooling parents do, but I also believe that parents have the ability to teach a child any class that they would need, especially in the elementary years. Children have an ability in homeschool that is not available to them in a traditional classroom. If a student has a question in class, it might not be the appropriate time to ask the question, or the teacher might be too busy to answer. However, in homeschool if a child has a question, time can be taken to answer the question or look up the answer if it is unknown. No one all of the answers, not even teachers; after all they are human as well. Dave Arnold of the National Education Association (NEA) stated, â€Å"You would think that they might leave this- the shaping of their children’s minds, careers, and futures- to trained professionals.†(Arnold, 2008) Why would it make more sense to leave these important factors in a child’s life to a person who with be with him for only a year? Why leave those factors to someone who does not have time to develop the child’s strengths and weaknesses and provide one-on-one time with him? After all even Albert Einstein was homeschooled. However, there are resources for parents who aren’t confident about teaching higher level classes. Some options include: online or correspondence coursesco-opscommunity college classes (Fagan, 2007) With these classes- usually utilized in math or science but available in all subjects- students have the benefit of a teacher knowledgeable in the subject. Tutoring and access to the teacher for specific help are usually available. While I do disagree with the statement that parents are not qualified to teach their children, I believe that there should be end of year testing. This requirement is on a state to state guideline, and I believe that it should be made mandatory so that a parent can prove that homeschooling is effective for her child. If public school children are required to take these tests, then so should homeschoolers. Virginia law states that all families must register [with their local school district] on a per yearly basis and submit results of professional standardized testing scores (similar to SOL) although there is an option of â€Å"religious exemption†that does not require any end of year testing. (Fagan, 2007) The study â€Å"Strengths of Their Own: Home Schoolers Across America†also found that students ranged in the 86th percentile â€Å"regardless of state regulation,†whether a state had no regulations or a large amount of regulations. (Klicka, 2006, p. 2) These statistics show that state regulations on testing, on what degree of certification a parent has (which can range from no high school diploma to certified teacher to holder of a non-relational bachelors degree), and compulsory attendance laws all have no significance in regards to scores achieved on tests. Homeschool Student Socialization Finally the biggest concern among those questioning or outright opposed to homeschooling is socialization. Socialization is defined as : â€Å"1. To place under government or group ownership or control. 2. To make fit for companionship with others; make sociable. 3. To convert or adapt to the needs of society.†The first definition is not applicable to education but the second and third are worth looking into. People believe that kids need socialization with other children in order for them to be productive members of society. I completely agree with that. I believe if you have a child who is homeschooled and is rarely in public, interacting with others, then I agree that you will have a problem with that child in years to come. That is just common sense. However, I do not believe socializing is fitting in with other children their own ages that have no moral compass, no sense of right, or wrong and no respect for teachers and authority figures. When children are young and impressionable, it is hard for them to tell which children to steer clear of, often until it is too late. This is where peer pressure comes into play, and children want to mimic their peer group’s behavior in order to fit in and receive group acceptance. Dave Arnold of the NEA also speaks about one specific website that says not to worry about socialization. He says, â€Å"If this website encouraged homeschooled children to join after-school clubs at the local school, or participate in sports or other community activities, then I might feel different. Maine state laws, for example, require local school districts to allow home-schooled students to participate in their athletic programs†(Arnold, 2008, p. 1). There are two problems with his statement. The first untruth is that most homeschoolers dont want to participate in elementary and high school sports like this. There arent legal requirements in each state allowing them to so in states without laws it is based on the individual school board. The problem with this is that school boards sometimes do not allow homeschoolers to participate in their organized sports, whether due to lack of funding or discrimination. The second untruth in his statement is that homeschoolers do encourage these types of activities. Homeschoolers in general know that their children need interaction with other children (of all age ranges not just specific to their own grade) and do everything possible to ensure their children receive this. This comes in the form of: team sportsco-ops (groups of homeschoolers who get together weekly to exchange classes to allow for socialization and taking advantage of the parents’ strong teaching points)support groups (homeschoolers that get together on a regular basis for the children to play or participate in activities such as bowling or roller skating)clubs such as 4H and scoutslessons such as dance and karate. Many public libraries, museums, gyms and other community groups and businesses offer programs and classes, catering to the growing number of homeschoolers. (Fagan, 2007) This usually allows more avenues for education as well as opportunities for homeschooling families to get together. Socialization is a very important aspect in every child’s life. However, homeschool graduates that have been exposed to these avenues of socialization have shown just as much ability to survive in and contribute to society as their public school counterparts. Homeschooling is a viable option to those who feel that their children aren’t learning enough, are falling prey to peer pressure, or are exposed or susceptible to too much violence in school. Homeschooling has statistically proven over time that it is a method of education that succeeds with test scores surpassing those in public schools. Homeschool graduates have proven themselves in the college arena and beyond. The questions of qualification and socialization are often argued, but as you can see have no solid facts to stand on. As long as the test scores of those students whose parents are not certified teachers remains higher than public school children, no one can argue for higher qualification regulations. Even though the socialization of homeschoolers does not fit in the standard box of a public classroom setting, it is proven to be just as effective if not better in providing quality (not quantity) socializing opportunities. The results speak for themselves in the long run. I am often asked why I homeschool. There are so many answers to this question- dissatisfaction with public schools, safety, the state of society today, lack of religion and morals- that I would end up going on and on. However, I think my feelings are summed up in the popular phrase, â€Å"I’ve seen the village, and I don’t want it raising my child.†References Arnold, D. (2008, February 24). Home schools run by well-meaning amateurs: schools with good teachers are best-suited to shape young minds. National Education Association. Retrieved March 7, 2006, from nea.org/espcolumns/dv040220.html Black flight- to homeschool (2006, March-April). Practical Homeschooling 69. 8(1). Retrieved March 2, 2006, from Gale database. Duvall, S., Delaquadri, J., Ward D. L. (2004, Wntr). A preliminary investigation of the effectiveness of homeschool instructional environments for student with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. School Psychological Review, 331; 140(19). Retrieved March 2, 2008, from Gale database. Fagan, A. (2007, November 26) Teach your children well; with new resources, home-schooling numbers grow (page one)(special report). The Washington Times, A01. Retrieved March 2, 2008, from Gale database. Greene, H. Greene, M. (2007, August). There’s no place like home: as the homeschool population grows, college and universities must increase enrollment efforts targeted to this group (Admissions). University Business, 10.8, 25(2). Retrieved March 2, 2008, from Gale database. Klicka, C. (2004, October 22). Academic statistics on homeschooling. HSLDA. Retrieved April 2, 2008, from www.hslda.org Neal, A. (2006, September-October) Excelling in and out of the home, homeschooled kids are thriving across the country. Students demonstrating exceptional academic honors are capturing top slots at national competitions. Saturday Evening Post, 278.5, 54(4). Retrieved March 2, 2008, from Gale database. Ulrich, M. (2008, January) Why I homeschool: (because people keep asking). Catholic Insight, 16.1. Retrieved March 2, 2008 from Gale database. Updated by Kris Bales
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
The Complete Guide to the Princeton Supplement
The Complete Guide to the Princeton Supplement SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Got your heart set on Princeton- the #1 ranked university in the US? Then you’ll need to learn how to write amazing Princeton essays for your Princeton Supplement, a key part of your application for admission. In this detailed guide, we go over the different types of essays you’ll be required to write for your Princeton application and provide you with some expert tips on how to write your most effective and unique essay possible.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Digital forensic analyst Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Digital forensic analyst - Case Study Example The paper also outlines how the cases have had an impact on the trajectory of digital computer forensic and the work of digital forensic analyst. Case 1: U.S. v. Diaz The case between U.S and Diaz involved marijuana in New Mexico. In this case, Jesus Manuel Diaz had more than 1000 kilograms of Marijuana he wanted to distribute in the United States using his trucking company, JD Easyline (Admin, 2011). In December, 11th 2009, the United States district court heard that Daiz drove his truck eastbound from Mexico to the Arizona border where he intended to distribute Marijuana hidden in his truck. Being the Diaz wanted to cross the border with the marijuana onboard his truck, he had falsified the paper work detailing the real weight of the truck and the merchandise onboard. After arriving at a border booth, he went ahead to get the paperwork necessary for him to cross the border with the truck, but the credential booth was closed on that day. As a result, Diaz went out of his truck and met Officer Smid, whom he presented all the paper work including his driving license in pursuit of a clearance letter. However, Smid was worried about the weight Diaz had quoted in his paper work. The gross weight of Diaz’s truck was way below what Smid expected. Smid argued that an empty truck with fuel weighed close to 33,000 pounds. However, Diaz had pointed that the merchandise onboard was 9,762 pound, which concerned Smid because some weight was uncounted in the truck. Smid inspected Diaz paperwork and questioned the discrepancy in weight, which Diaz attempted to explain. He argued that some shippers often put more weight on the truck than necessary. An inspection of the truck revealed that Diaz did not have a CB radio and he had four cellphones. Furthermore, Smid discovered the Diaz was uneasy and was scratching his head, a behavior he had not displayed at the start of the conversation. The seal of the truck was a commercial seal and Smid noted that there was some air freshener in the truck, though this was missing in the bill of lading. A through search of the truck using a sniffer dog revealed more the 3,300 pounds of marijuana (Admin, 2011). In addition, a laptop computer and printer, Diaz used to falsify and print the bill of lading was found. A computer forensic testified in the court that Diaz had deleted a program he used to create a false bill of lading to justify the additional weight of marijuana. Forensic analysis revealed that the bil l of lading was not the one the dollar store issued to Diaz. This evidence in this case had a significant impact on the case because it Diaz was found guilty and convicted. While Diaz had succeeded to alter the bill of lading, the work of computer forensic allowed the prosecutor to prove that Diaz had deleted software he used to make and print a false bill of lading. The case underscores the role of digital forensic analysts in discovering deleted files and linking the same to cases pending before courts of law. Moreover, the case proved that digital forensic analyst could determine the authenticity of documents by finding programs used to create them. In such cases, it would be easy for investigators to gather evidence
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