Saturday, November 9, 2019
Napoleon Dynamite: High School Movie Painted on a Canvas Essay
Ahh yes, here we are again another high school movie filled with lots of loud hip music, partying, nudity, drugs, awkward social interaction, and teens rebelling against all authority and normalcy. That’s what these movies are about; right? Wrong. Napoleon Dynamite falls short of all stereotypical preconceived notions I had going into this movie. No everyday character trying to fit in, no parties, no sporting events that need to be won, and no drugs or drinking. The picture is actually very refreshing, the fact that it doesn’t have any of these rapidly changing scenes or dialogue filled with horny teens discussing their experiences and sexual destinies with each other. The introduction sets a long, slow pace for the movie, and really sets the artsy, low budget tone. Opening credits start with names written on items such as, school food, rulers, pencils, notebooks, and so on. The settings are dull, the music is strange and mellow, the wardrobe looks like it is from an early 90s thrift store, and it is set in a small town in Idaho which explains the movie so well. The main character is in fact Napoleon Dynamite, a nerd without much to brag about. He dawns coke bottle glasses, parachute pants, t-shirts with horses and dolphins on them, a fanny pack, and moon boots. He is everything a nerd would be from this era, but without the typical genius that normally comes with being a nerd. He isn’t a computer whiz and doesn’t engage in science or math club. In fact, he is actually part of the FFA which makes sense because he does help raise a llama at his grandma’s house, and also works for a day at a chicken coop. Don’t let any of this fool you, these are mere mentions for there is no part of Napoleon’s life that really dominates the movie. The movie consists of Napoleon, his brother Kipp, Pedro, and his Uncle Rico getting into lame situations and activities in a lame town. I mean as far as the major events consistent with teen movies, there is a dance and there is a school president election which becomes the main focus of the movie about ? of the way through the flick. Napoleon and Pedro run a campaign which amounts to maybe 4 scenes in the movie. They also have to ask out girls to the dance which maybe takes up 2 or 3 scenes, so it’s not centered on teen competition or romance. It really isn’t center around much, except the small adventures of the above mentioned characters. A worthy mention about this movie is that it is dry not just the humor but every aspect. It is dryer than a saltine cracker on a napkin, on a paper plate, in the middle of the Sahara desert. I mean dry. Every character involved is, not just Napoleon. The music, the scenery, the plot, the scenes, the interaction, and activities all fit together beautifully in this movie masterpiece. I can say this is definitely a work of art, this film is not a slap stick comedy by any means, but I found myself very pleased with the amount of laughter it brought into my life. There is no doubt this film will be a cult classic for years to come. This is a quote worthy movie, for the little dialogue that it does have. How or when to use those quotes in your daily life is probably a task however, mainly it would be while discussing Napoleon with another viewer. Short mention also, the camera work is simple and fabulous; they nailed the mood of the movie with the camera So what does happen in this movie you may be asking yourself? I have not really painted much of a selling review up to this point. It is a must see! If you have that eye for art, if you enjoy independent films, if you don’t mind an amateur cast, and you â€Å"get†dry humor than you need this movie in your life. I don’t want to spoil all of it for those who haven’t been graced with this movie. Napoleon calls his brother Kipp at home because he needs Chap Stick to cure his dry lips. Pedro has a sweet bicycle called the Sledgehammer and it is customized with pegs, shocks, and a Mexican flag on the back of the seat. Napoleon takes Kipp to a free trial at Rex-Kwan Do, a questionable martial arts instructor they saw on television; everyone knows that Kipp is training to be a cage fighter. Uncle Rico films himself throwing a football†¦ to nobody†¦ in a field†¦ alone†¦ with a van. Pedro shaves his head because his hair is making him hot. If that isn’t enough to make you want to watch this film than I’m not sure you would enjoy it. Mainstream movie goers would probably be better off with the likes of American Pie or Super Bad. Also a mention in closing, there is no crude humor, no nudity, nor foul language, so this movie is appropriate for all ages.
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