Saturday, May 2, 2020

Introduction To Informatics

Question: Discuss about theIntroduction To Informatics. Answer: Introduction Informatics basically consists of computer information systems. This system tends to make interaction between human and information. By its own conceptual and theoretical foundation helps many other foundations in the field. Many years ago this culture of information was first developed by managing information from the science library which promotes the relationship between science and information (Borghi and Karapapa, 2013). This information is very much helpful for health informatics development. Informatics is a scientific discipline which tends to investigate the structure and the properties of information which deals with science. Informatics regulates the scientific information according to its history, methodology etc. Organizational informatics is one of the most important applications of informatics. The business informatics was first developed in Germany. The business informatics consists of several techniques in computer science. The tools must act as a key factor because the tools must help to answer the questions that are asked by the organization. The benefit of using these advanced tools is that it might be actionable for sometimes. The analysis can only be successful unless and until the tools are well defined. There should be proper awareness among the stake holder as well as the board member that proper use of tools may take time. The analytical tools aim for the proper methodical balance approach (Bu?low, Ahmon and Spencer, 2011). The strategic analysis tool knows that which analytical tool is more suitable to the given objectives of the analysis. The SWOT analysis is a common strategic tool which helps to understand the strength and weaknesses that are involved in the project or business activity. The analysis helps to understand the external and internal factors of the business activity by the defining the objective of the project. The most important part of the analysis is that it helps to achieve the desired goal of the business activity. IT creates political economic and social cultural opportunities to the business organization. This analysis helps to find the current gaps so that the business organization can develop in a better way (Digitization, 2007). IT also protects us from threat which is unfavorable to the business activity. One of the important strategic analyses is Porters five forces. This analysis is developed in 1979 by Michael E. Porter. This analysis increases the competitive strength of the business organization as well as it changes the position of business organization. The porter theory is based on five forces which tend to determine the intensity of competition and attractiveness of the market (Hannah, Ball and Edwards, 2006). By the help of this analysis we can understand the current position of the organization and strength in the market. Porters forces are also used by business organization to know that the new product is profitable or not. If someon e can identify the power and where it lies then this theory an also be used to identify the strength. Identifying the strength improve the weakness of the of the business organization which led to avoid mistakes in future. The Porters five forces are Supplier power- This shows that how easy the supplier increase the price of the product. The whole market is dominated by few suppliers. There is no substitute for any product in the market. The customers for the particular product are low so that the bargaining power is also low (Lerch, 2012). The cost switching from supplier to another supplier might be higher. Buyer power- The buyer power shows how easy is for buyers to drive the price low. It is the ability of the customers how much under pressure they can put the firm to make reduce in price. The buyer power can only be high when there is many alternative in the market. This means the availability of substitute product is the main factor. Competitive rivalry- The main factor is the number of competitor in the market. Every seller is selling different type of goods which might reduce the market attractiveness. Threat of substitution- Availability of same products reduces the power of seller. On the other hand it also reduced the attractiveness of the market (Mackenzie Owen, 2007). This happens because the customer is getting many substitute products in the market. Threat of new entry- Profitable market attracts new sellers but the seller of the market does not allow them because entry of new seller might hamper their business. Entry of new members in the market might switch cost of the goods. The effect of strategic alignment in the business activity is much affective. The strategic alignment enhances the performance of the business organization. The organization will perform better when they will understand the purpose of the work (Middleton, 2005). So strategic alignment helps the business organization to run the business properly, so that they can meet their respective goals. On the other side the lack of strategic alignment may led to failure of the business organization. Often some business organization loses their track because they do not know their purpose of their business. Thus strategic alignment helps the business organization to plan their purpose in a proper way. The customer centered objectives might lack in coordination in the business organization which make the organization misaligned (Mugridge, 2006). That means the strategic goals and organization culture might lose its position from the business. A companys strategic alignment. The strategic alignment helps to increase the operation margins in the IT business. The alignment helps the employees to understand the desired goals so that they can understand their work. Once when the employees understand their task they start working according to the given direction. This make the work flow more efficient and it also creates coordination among the workers. By the help of strategic alignment smart goals are created in the IT business. The IT sectors runs on the desired goals. As in every IT company desired goals are created. The strategic alignment helps in proper execution of company strategy. The alignment helps to focus on the employees as well as on their jobs. To achieve goals in the IT business one should clearly have knowledge on the communication strategic business objectives; because the entire business is depend on the communication. Leading indicators are predictive in nature. They tend to change the communicative skills in the nature. The leading indicators predict the futu re financial trends of the business (Robinson and Bauer, 2011). On the other hand lagging indicators follows the normal way as it changes when there is change in the economic factor. Leading indicator is much preferable because it show the future indication of the financial status of the company. IF they can predict their position it will easier for the employees to do their jobs. Managing data is not a new problem in any business organization. Every business organization cannot keep the data clean because it is not possible to record single data every time. Due to data control policies these messes are created. So a proper establishment is needed for data management. The office administrator should decide whether to add sales in the data management or not. A master data base should be created if the business has multiple databases. Many times the manager gets confused which database should be uploaded. So creating a master database can solve the problem. If we create data map it will be easier to find every data because the data loads every data from input to output. Data map should be updated with regular transaction. The data management helps in data segmenting. IN IT sectors there is need of data management because in IT business there is need of immediate availability of information. The document o the company should in order as because the government at first raids on the IT companies. Managing an IT sector requires proper alignment between data management and technology requirement (Tsai, 2007). This shows the analytical business organizationshould be goal oriented and data management should support this type of business so that they can meet their desired goals. The business organization should adopt both web 2.0 and web 3.0 because these are the next step for gaining information. Web 2.0 is important because it made life easier. By the help of web 2.0 many user produce idea and gets ideas. The users of web 2.0 are no more consumers they also became producer as well as co-producer. The search engine of web 2.0 is more advanced which led to high profit to many IT business organization. Web 3.0 by the help machines intelligence combines web 1.0 and web 2.0. The main importance of web 3.0 is that it can unite users and computer to solve any problem. Due to its high added value the web 3.0 can bring service sand product to the people. Every business environment should be dynamic. But there are some reasons which restrict them in some cases. Due to change in political, social and economic factors this threats are created. Unfaultable market shift is created or changes in technology take place. It also affects the economy by disturbing the level of demands. The threats are created in capital market which led to dissatisfaction towards the companys failure. The threat may create change in structure of the labor market that may influence the trade unions and cautious can be created. Conclusion From the above case study we can conclude that the main purpose of informatics is technology which will take the developing interactions between the human and information. There is still some issue which is needed to be solved. New technologies should be developed to reduce the threats in the market (Yatsko, 2015). Computer system is nowadays is a vital part of human life. References Borghi, M. and Karapapa, S. (2013). Copyright and mass digitization. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. Bulow, A., Ahmon, J. and Spencer, R. (2011). Preparing collections for digitization. London: Facet Publishing, in association with the National Archives. Digitization. (2007). [Washington]: [D.C.]. Hannah, K., Ball, M. and Edwards, M. (2006). Introduction to nursing informatics. New York: Springer. Lerch, A. (2012). An introduction to audio content analysis. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley. Mackenzie Owen, J. (2007). The scientific article in the age of digitization. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer. Middleton, K. (2005). Collaborative digitization programs. Bradford, England: Emerald Group Pub. Mugridge, R. (2006). Managing digitization activities. Washington, D.C.: Association of Research Libraries. Robinson, P. and Bauer, S. (2011). Introduction to bio-ontologies. Boca Raton: Taylor Francis. Tsai, C. (2007). Biomacromolecules. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley-Liss. Yatsko, A. (2015). Insight into theoretical and applied informatics. [Place of publication not identified]: De Gruyter Open.

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